The benefits of masturbation

The benefits of masturbation

Now I am sure everyone that is reading this blog has masturbated before, some of you might of just finished before reading this blog, but what some of you may not have known is as well as feeling great, masturbation has benefits for you. So what are they you say? Well this blog will tell you and explain all. 


There are both physical and mental benefits to masturbation. So let us find out what some of these benefits are.


One of the benefits is, it can help reduce stress. After you finish masturbating your brain and body relax and this in turn helps lower the stress hormones, such as cortisol by releasing oxytocin which allows your blood pressure to lower and relax. This in turn an night can put the body in a perfect state to sleep. Let us be honest we all have a better sleep after masturbating right?


Masturbating releases dopamine, which is a happy hormone release by your brain neurons when you are doing something you enjoy. Dopamine if kept under control can lower your blood pressure and can help your heart function.


Also mastubrating can help your body reduce pain. When you mastubrate your body creates endorphins, which can help regulate pain and inflammation processes. This can help reduce migraines and headaches. 


It can also improve your mood and give you more motivation. This is because when your orgasm because of both oxytocin and endorphins being releases they are both natural happy pills and they will both in turn bost your mood and give you more motivation.


If you are masturbating by yourself it can make you feel comfortable with your body and understand how you like to cum. This in turn will make you feel good. So make sure you explore your body and also use both your hands and toys to learn different ways and methods of masturbating and what you really enjoy.


Once you know what you like make sure to tell your partner and let your partner tell you and listen. Then you can both try masturbating each other. This will in turn allow you to learn how your partner's body works and what pleases them. It also will bring you closer together on an intimate level. The main thing about masturbatating together get to a place where you are both comfortable to do it in front of each other and do not rush. Take your time, even tease yourself. See who can last the longest. Kiss each other while you are doing. The more you both understand each other's body the greater your sex will be.


Now that you have a deeper understanding on the benefits of masturbation try some of these steps out and let us know what you find out or if you have any questions. Also if you are looking for some toys to help you with your masturbation make sure to check out our shop.


Happy mastubating everyone.

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